
About Recmnd

About Recmnd, or how to make the most of your content

Recmnd is a personalized, flexible, fast and accurate, clever and self-improving service like no other. With Recmnd your site visitors and community members will spend more time on your website, reviewing personalized content based on their reading preference and unique interest. Once you integrate our intelligent, automated content recommendations, articles and various resources become instantly discoverable. Unlike standard website search mechanisms, where your site visitors are presented with an overwhelming amount of data, Recmnd offers content in the right perspective, taking into consideration the context and interest of your site visitors. Recmnd is content personalization taken to a whole new level.

Recmnd generates amazingly accurate real-time recommendations. And as long as you’ve got interesting and valuable content that deserves to be shared and spoken about, Recmnd will help you do it in the most elegant way. No matter how enormous your archives can be, it will take milliseconds for the engine to dig around and bring to light even the most deeply buried stuff you’ve ever published.

You’ll have the chance to be unique and use a tool that really works. And because Recmnd is a personalized engine, it will become smarter and more precise the more you use it. You will not only show real-time intelligent content-based recommendations, but they’ll also be flexible and dynamic, just as your site is. We’ve made Recmnd so clever that every time you change anything in your articles or create new content, it will be there supervising the recommendations it has already made – improving them to reflect your new data. That’s because Recmnd utilizes innovative machine learning algorithms (we love this nerd talk and occasionally use it while having beers with our girlfriends nearby).

Basic things you need to know about the features of Recmnd

(and don’t be afraid to ask for more – see below)

Here comes the inventory – just a list of some important characteristics of the Recmnd service:

  • Simple Web API
  • Real-time content based recommendations
  • Asynchronous learning algorithms
  • Widget based access
  • Customizable styles of the servicing widget
  • Ready WordPress plugin, completely automating the communication with the Recmnd API
  • Flexible time filters
  • Accuracy and depth of analysis control
  • Zero web site overhead

Using the Recmnd service, you can:

  • Generate more page views without changing your user base
  • Increase your web site stickiness
  • Allow your published content to find readers on its own
  • Guarantee visibility for older items
  • Spread your visitors evenly throughout your entire content

You can find more information at our features section.